7 Signs You Have A Slow Metabolism & What To Do About It
When it comes to our health, our bodies are all somewhat unique. Just as some people may experience migraines, some suffer from skin rashes, and a slow metabolism affects some of us and communicates this through specific signs.
Understanding Metabolism:
Your metabolism is a collection of cellular activities, transforming food into energy, keeping your body energised and alive. At its core is the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), representing the energy your body expends at rest. It’s the calories burnt while breathing, circulating blood, and processing nutrients – the foundation of your metabolic vitality. Influenced by factors like sex, height, weight, age, body composition, and genetics, your BMR is your body’s unique metabolic identifier.
Recognising the signals of a slow metabolism is crucial to better understanding what may be happening under the surface. Once you identify the root cause, you are then able to take the appropriate action to restore balance. Below, we outline 7 key indicators of a slow metabolism:
- Cold Hands & Feet:
Poor circulation is your body's attempt to conserve heat and can show up as cold hands and feet. Although you may think this sign is also associated with thyroid issues, problems with your thyroid often cause a slow metabolism!
- Unsteady Energy Throughout the Day:
Are you feeling highs and lows throughout the day? Energy crashes can be linked to thyroid or adrenal issues and how they affect your hormones and neurotransmitters throughout the day. Fluctuations in energy often point to an imbalance in blood sugar levels or hormones.
- Weak Digestion:
Your stomach shouldn’t feel heavy or ‘weighed down’ after every meal. If you experience persistent bloating or that heavy, sluggish feeling post-eating, this could be due to a weak digestion. A slowed metabolism can impair this process, leaving you feeling heavy and tired.
- Limited Bowel Movements:
The rhythm of your digestive system speaks volumes about your metabolism. Regular bowel movements, ideally one to three times a day, signify a well-functioning metabolism. Infrequent bowel movements is an indication of food moving slowly through your system due to a sluggish metabolism- the bowels and entire digestive tract are predicated on your metabolism.
- Weight Fluctuations:
Our bodies aren’t designed to dramatically change in weight within short intervals. Rapid weight changes, especially when seemingly unprovoked, are often indicative of metabolic issues. Your thyroid, cortisol levels, or inflammation might be at the root cause of rapid weight gain, or finding it difficult to maintain your weight.
- Decreased Appetite in the Morning:
Morning hunger is your body’s way of signalling its readiness for a new day. If you find your appetite is low upon waking, it could signify a weakened metabolism. Low levels of hunger throughout the day suggests your body isn’t burning as many calories as it should, prompting a decreased need for food/fuel.
- Brain Fog:
Fuzzy thinking, difficulty concentrating, or the sense that your brain is lacking clarity is an indication of an energy leak. Your body is lacking the energy needed to fuel both your physical form and your cognitive processes adequately.
The signs and symptoms described in this post are your body's way of trying to tell you something. To better understand these signals you should be utilising at-home functional medicine tests like the Hormonal, Adrenal & Metabolism test. This comprehensive analysis sheds light on imbalances tied to weight management. It examines sex and adrenal hormones, thyroid stimulating hormone, insulin levels, Hb1Ac, Vitamin D, and cortisol, offering a panoramic view of your body's overall health..
Unfortunately today, conventional medicine overlooks the importance of hormones, which are so often the missing link when it comes to issues such as weight issues, sluggish thyroid, blood sugar dysregulation, menopause, women with polycystic ovaries, and anyone wanting to get to the root of general health concerns. You also receive a free 30-minute consultation with your test. Your Integrative Health Practitioner will guide you through your results and make personalised recommendations for lifestyle and diet changes tailored to you and your needs.
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