The Four Main Causes Of High Cholesterol
There are a lot of people taking statins for cholesterol, but the problem is that they have been shown by many reputable studies to increase the risk of other issues such cancer.
It all goes back to what I always say: do not treat the symptom, treat the root cause. Statins are just putting a band-aid on top of the issue and it is not actually addressing the problem of why you have high cholesterol in the first place.
Yes, statins do lower cholesterol, but at what cost? Your heart gets weakened in the process…
Cholesterol below 140 or above 200 isn’t typically good. The optimal range for most people is between 160 and 200 with LDL below 100, HDL above 50, triglycerides below 100 and a cholesterol to HDL ratio of 3:1 or less.
Many doctors believe an HDL above 80 is good because its “good cholesterol” but why would someone have so much “good cholesterol”?
HDL acts as an antioxidant and it is the body’s natural response when someone is suffering from chronic inflammation. This would be a good indicator that the person needs to work on lowering overall inflammation.
1. Stress
There are three types of stressors: (1) physical stress, (2) chemical stress and (3) emotional stress. Accidents, breaking a leg and strains are examples of physical stressors. Chemical stress would be things such as heavy metals, gut issues, toxins, viruses, diet and pollution. Issues relating to work/life and relationships would be examples emotional stress.
All of these stressors throw us out of balance (homeostasis), and our body starts to believe that we’re under attack (aka ‘fight-or-flight’ response) so it starts to produce more glucose. The reason for this is because cortisol brings more glucose into the blood (by breaking down liver glycogen) in order to give us energy to “fight or flee” for survival.
From an ancestral point of view this makes sense, right? Cortisol played an essential role and it kept us alive in times of physical danger, such as from wild animals.
As cortisol is produced, the body’s blood-glucose levels raise, which in turn creates more triglyceride production.
2. Low Thyroid
Thyroid hormones have a direct impact on cholesterol levels. They play an important role in metabolising lipids (such as cholesterol) so when your thyroid hormones are low, cholesterol will start to build up in your blood.
If your cholesterol levels are not optimal, you should definitely have a look at your thyroid if you haven’t done so yet!
But remember, it’s not about going on thyroid medication. It’s about fixing the underlying root cause that is causing an underactive thyroid in the first place…
3. Liver Congestion
If your liver is not working as well, it will not break down cholesterol optimally so it will start to build up in the body.
The liver really is the most important organ in the body, and this is why liver work is the first part of all of the personalised healing protocols I design for my clients.
4. Blood sugar dysregulation
A host of problems can start to take place when your cells stop responding appropriately to the hormone insulin. Given that excess insulin can cause weight gain, the visceral fat (belly fat) can lead to higher triglycerides and lower levels of the “good cholesterol” HDL.
If you have high cholesterol, the body is not lacking in statins. If you have high blood pressure, the body is not lacking in diuretics. If you have an autoimmune issue, your body is not lacking some type of biological drug that shuts down your immune system.
If you dive in deep enough, you’ll be able to figure out what is going on with your body. Don’t just take a pill for the symptoms and brush the root causes of your issues under the carpet. It’s time to change your health from the inside-out!
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