Unravelling the Connection: Navigating Allergies, Digestive Challenges, and Weight Loss – A Case Study

There is a reason you are feeling the way you do. There is always a root cause to the symptoms you are facing. And this case study proves it.

Taking the step towards improving health and well-being is an empowering choice, and we commend those who dedicate themselves to our personalised wellness program. In this case study, we explore the journey of a 31-year-old woman who presented with a range of symptoms, including:




Anal Fissure 

Not happy with weight

Runny nose after eating



We designed a wellness protocol for her, incorporating the 21 Day Reset and GI Protocol (GIP) due to her digestion-related symptoms. While dysbiosis was evident, the specific cause (candida or bacterial overgrowth) wasn't initially identified. It was confirmed in the second consultation.

To mitigate the release of harmful toxins during pathogen elimination, we prioritised our 21 Day Reset to open detox pathways before starting the GIP. The protocol was further personalised with specific supplements, foods, and practices based on additional information from her consultation.

Initially, we focused on an anti-inflammatory diet and addressing constipation naturally to prevent the anal fissure from reopening. Recognising her pitta body type (according to Ayurveda), we introduced a homemade juice and explored lectins for potential relevance to the fissure. Additionally, a supplement protocol featuring specific nutrients and herbs was established, emphasising intake during breakfast, dinner, and bedtime.

Second Consultation Highlights:

  • Achieved desired weight loss
  • Improved symptoms: gas, bloating, indigestion, anal fissure, runny nose after eating

Lab Recommendations (prior to GI protocol):

  • Hair tissue test
  • Organic acid test (OAT)

Lab Findings:

  • Heavy metal toxicity
  • Gut bacterial overgrowth
  • Elevated oxalic acid
  • Low B5, B6, vitamin C, and Selenium

Important Insights:

Post 21 Day Reset, significant improvements were observed. Vitamin deficiencies highlighted gut dysfunction, emphasising the need for optimal nutrient absorption. Common nutrient deficiencies, even with a healthy diet, underscored the importance of quality supplementation.

Low selenium and heavy metal toxicity contributed to an underactive thyroid, explaining the diagnosis. Everything was starting to make sense now! 

Continued Recommendations:

Continuing gut work was crucial for proper nutrient absorption and healing the tear. Elevated oxalic acid had potential causes: bacterial overgrowth or poor oxalate excretion. To address this, she reduced high oxalic acid foods, aiding gut healing. The runny nose post-eating may have been linked to this or a food sensitivity.

For selenium, we recommended a simple addition: 1 Brazil nut added to breakfast smoothies. Lastly, a proven scientific-based heavy metal detox protocol was suggested for her, backed by successful pre-and-post testing of individuals who showed high levels of heavy metals.


Third Consultation Highlights:

  • Although most symptoms had significantly improved, her focus shifted to addressing the emergence of secondary amenorrhea—the absence of periods—which was a new symptom.

Lab Recommendations: 

  • Organic Acid Test - This was an optional test that we suggested just to confirm the bacterial overgrowth was gone. 
  • Comprehensive Hormonal Test

Lab Test Findings:

  • Bacterial Overgrowth was gone! 
  • Low cortisol at noon and in the evening
  • Low progesterone
  • Estrogen dominance 

Important Insights:

Functional medicine diverges from conventional practices by emphasising optimal ranges rather than merely normal ones, prioritising peak functionality over standard parameters. Adequate cortisol production is crucial to prevent adrenal fatigue. After working with us for 12 weeks, this client underwent cortisol testing and revealed she was in phase 1 of adrenal fatigue (for more details on the phases of adrenal fatigue, refer here). This outcome signifies notable progress, particularly considering her symptoms initially indicated she was in more advanced stages.

It's crucial to remember that low cortisol levels don't necessarily indicate an absence of the 'fight or flight' response. Instead, they signify the body's reduced ability to effectively respond to stressors

Progesterone is a precursor to cortisol and since her body was in need of producing the stress hormone, it was manufacturing it at the expense of progesterone, causing the low levels. 

After previously testing her FSH and LH levels with a medical doctor, we crafted a new wellness protocol considering the combined factors of FSH, LH, progesterone, and cortisol levels. Additionally, we provided guidance on the optimal intermittent fasting hours for her.

Two weeks later: "Just wanted to update you that my period has started after 6 months of absence! Thank you so much! I was getting really worried about it!"

The Bottom Line: Why don't unconventional doctors explore these avenues? It's not their fault—they weren't taught to do so in medical school. However, this doesn't absolve them of the responsibility to help you avoid harm.

It's astonishing to think that her medical doctor proposed early menopause as a potential explanation when she began suffering from amenorrhea. 

This case study underscores that there's a reason for how you feel. Understanding this reason allows you to address it at the root cause level and alleviate your symptoms. Always question your diagnosis, with the most crucial query being, "How did I get here?" Knowing the path that led you there provides the roadmap back to good health and a balanced body.

If you would like to start your own journey towards a 'symptom free' way of living, join us and work 1 to 1 with a Synergised Integrative Health Practitioner.

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