Comprehensive Stool Test
Comprehensive Stool Test
Comprehensive Stool Test
Comprehensive Stool Test
Comprehensive Stool Test
Comprehensive Stool Test

Comprehensive Stool Test

30 Minute Private Health Consultation
Regular price£449.00

Be the detective of your own body, with easy at-home functional medicine lab testing. Don’t guess, test.

The comprehensive stool analysis is a powerful tool to get a full picture of your gut health. It checks the status of beneficial and pathogenic bacteria, yeast, and parasites to identify sources of inflammation and infection.

This test also measures digestion and absorption, immune status, microbiome balance, and overall gut health. It's highly recommended for those with digestive issues, autoimmune issues, joint pain, IBD, IBS, inflammation, food sensitivities, nutritional deficiencies, and skin issues.

The test includes gold standard microscopy of parasites, worms, and yeasts, making it highly effective at identifying harmful organisms.

A simple at-home test in the comfort of your own home for ease of use, faster results and a healthier and happier YOU. 

Download Sample Report

The comprehensive stool analysis test is the ideal test for anyone experiencing digestive issues, autoimmune issues, joint pain, IBD, IBS, inflammation, food sensitivities, nutritional deficiencies, and skin issues. It is especially recommended for those with loose stool and constipation, suspected parasites or H. pylori, and skin rashes.

For those who suffer from autoimmune issues, bloating, autism/PANDAS/tics/neurological issues (in children), UTIs, reflux, allergies (asthma), cystic acne (back & forehead), imbalanced immunity & inflammation, underweight/weight gain, anxiety, hot flushes and teeth grinding (especially at night), insomnia, anaemia, itchy anus, loose stool & constipation, blood in stool (dark stool), and skin issues/rash.

The comprehensive stool analysis evaluates the status of beneficial bacteria, commensal bacteria, pathogenic bacteria, yeast, parasites and H. pylori. It measures digestion and absorption, inflammation through white blood cells and mucus, and the immune status of the gut.

Gut and digestive health is crucial for overall wellbeing and plays a significant role in maintaining a healthy immune system, absorbing essential nutrients from food, and eliminating waste products effectively. A healthy gut is home to a diverse community of bacteria that helps break down food, produce vitamins and other nutrients, and regulate the immune system. An imbalanced gut microbiome, on the other hand, has been linked to a wide range of health problems, including autoimmune disorders, obesity, and even mental health issues. Therefore, maintaining good gut and digestive health is vital for achieving optimal health and wellbeing.

Lab test kit delivered to your home with easy to follow instructions and prepaid return label.

FREE 30 minute health coaching call with a Certified Integrative Health Practitioner to interpret your results and offer you an actionable plan, based on your specific results.

✓ GI Pathogens

✓ Parasites & worms

✓ Helicobacter pylori

✓ Bacterias & yeasts

✓ Presence/Absence of Mucus

✓ Absorption markers

✓ Inflammation

✓ Stool PH

✓ Occult Blood

Rated 4.9 / 5
5 out of five star rating on Trustpilot
5 out of five star rating on Trustpilot
I have suffered with issues with my gut for a long time including bloating and inflammation. I ran the Organic Acid Test to get to the bottom of the issue. I received a comprehensive set of results which gave a really good overall overview of my health. The best part was the one on one consultation to go through the results and wellness plan which followed. I ended up completing a 21 day reset which had a big impact on my bloating and I lost quite a bit of weight.
Verified, collected via Trustpilot
5 out of five star rating on Trustpilot
For a very long time I’ve struggled with eczema and I’ve always noticed a correlation between the foods that I consumed and flare ups. Some of these triggers I was able to identify very easily, and others less so. From my understanding, some reactions are delayed and can happen up to 3 days after consuming a certain food. Therefore, I decided to opt for the food sensitivity test - when I got my results, I was so happy because now I can avoid certain foods. The test was incredibly detailed and I found out about sensitivities to foods such as miso and egg whites. Now, each time I have a mild flare up I actively avoid those foods and it helps to clear it to a certain degree. I think with issues such as eczema it’s a game changer to do a test like this because you wouldn’t want food to be worsening the condition. I was also highly impressed by the review I received. One of the team members went through the report, explained it, and really took a holistic approach towards my healing. Instead of looking at the sensitivity test alone, an overview of my health was collected and then used to make a rough plan for what I can do food-wise and in other ways to heal.
Verified, collected via Trustpilot
5 out of five star rating on Trustpilot
I've suffered with gut-related issues for the longest time. I have been in and out of appointments with the GP, never being taken seriously enough to actually conduct further testing and only being offered medication to "plaster over" the symptoms, as opposed to actually getting to the root cause. My gut health has deteriorated even more so in the past 1.5 years and I knew I had to do something because how could I enjoy life with constant bloating, nausea after eating and stomach cramps? I took the plunge and bought the comprehensive stool & OAT lab tests from Synergised and it was the best thing I did (apart from stumbling upon Synergised on Instagram in the first place, which led me down this beautiful road of holistic health!). The tests were so easy to do and I was finally able to understand what was going on inside my body when the results arrived. The 60 minute consultation was so insightful, and the plan I received after was so detailed and tailored completely to me and my symptoms. I am now following that plan and I'm on a journey to recovery - I could not be happier or more thankful to Synergised. It's so empowering to take your health into your own hands, especially when you have been shunned by GPs for years and convinced that everything you're experiencing is "normal."
Verified, collected via Trustpilot
5 out of five star rating on Trustpilot
After years of experiencing fatigue, sleep issues, weight gain and brain fog I decided to run a lab test to finally get answers as to why I was feeling this way. I'd tried many things previously to try and manage these issues mostly through self-study and following nutritionists on instagram but I couldn't quite tailor the 1000s of things out there to address my specific issues. I'd changed my diet, ate healthy, worked out, took great supplements etc but I couldn't shake the fatigue, weight gain, brain fog etc that I was experiencing. I finally reached out to Synergised - I was following Paula for years and had previously done the GI protocol with great results - so I trusted her fully. I'm so glad I ran the lab test as it showed me I had estrogen dominance, low thyroid and low vitamin d. I also had increased cortisol in the mornings. I received excellent suggestions about how to address my specific issues along with a wellness plan specific and tailored to me. I have started implementing the plan at a gradual manageable pace so as not to overwhelm myself. I have since noticed improvements in my sleep, skin and have lost about 2kg of weight. I'm still feeling fatigued and brain fog but that is more down to me not having fully implemented the plan as of yet - I believe these issues will also clear up once I'm able to fully implement the suggestions given. If you are experiencing issues and are unable to get to the root cause I'd highly recommend running a lab with Synergised as they not only advise you on your specific imbalances but also provide a wellness plan to address the root cause.A small suggestion to further improve your services would be to provide a little more aftercare support or follow up midway through the plan - however I do understand this may not be feasible.
Verified, collected via Trustpilot


A Certified Integrative Health Practitioner will interpret your results and provide recommendations based on your specific results to help you achieve your goals.

An integrative health practitioner will use their extensive knowledge and expertise in natural health, functional medicine, nutrition, and lifestyle practices to interpret and analyse your test results.

They will use this information to provide you with actionable steps so you can finally get to the root cause that has been holding you back in life! By helping you identify potential root causes for any symptoms or health issues you may be experiencing and by taking a holistic approach, you can rest assured that you’ll be well on your way to achieving optimal health and wellbeing!

Results Interpreted by a Certified Integrative Health Practitioner

30 Minute Consultation Included

Uncover Potential Root Causes for Your Symptoms

Receive Recommendations On Your Specific Results

Work Towards Achieving Optimal Wellbeing



Hit ‘Checkout’ on the lab test

Your lab kit will be delivered right to your doorstep along with easy-to-follow instructions on how to use it.


Collect & send your sample for testing

Simply follow the instructions provided and pop your sample back in the prepaid return label we sent you and arrange for a collection. Easy peasy!


The best bit

As soon as we've processed your results, we'll send you an invite to chat with one of our expert integrative health practitioners. They'll walk you through your results and you’ll leave the call with actionable steps that are easy to follow and tailored to your specific results.


About Lab Testing


Prioritise Gut Health

Maintaining a healthy gut is crucial for overall health and wellbeing, as it plays a critical role in digestion, nutrient absorption, and immune function.

However, many people may not realise that they are living with pathogens or parasites in their gut, which can wreak havoc on their health.

These harmful microorganisms can cause a wide range of symptoms, including diarrhea, bloating, abdominal pain, and fatigue, and can even lead to more serious health conditions such as autoimmune disorders, malnutrition, and chronic infections.Read More


1 in 5

people in the UK experience symptoms of IBS

Gain insights

into what underlying issues could be at the root of your symptoms


your health today, for all your tomorrows

What's Covered In This Test

This test will help you uncover the root causes to your health issues, so that you can finally understand your symptoms. This is the first step of your journey to optimal health.


What We Test For

What This Impacts

GI Pathogens, Parasites & Worms

Energy, weight, hunger, nutrient malabsorption, acne

Helicobacter Pylori

Burping, appetite, belching, heartburn, full stomach, abdominal pain, rosacea

Bacterias, Yeasts & Presence/Absence of Mucus

Skin issues, bloating, constipation, sugar cravings, digestive health, inflammation, chronic conditions

Helicobacter Pylori

Burping, appetite, belching, heartburn, full stomach, abdominal pain, rosacea

GI Pathogens, Parasites & Worms

Energy, weight, hunger, nutrient malabsorption, acne

Your Results

Scientifically Backed

Clinically proven and scientifically backed results.

Valuable Insights

Expertise of integrative health practitioners to uncover how results influence symptoms and overall health.

Holistic Actionable Steps

Easy-to-follow interpretation of results and recommendations based on results .

Why You'll Love This

Taking a deep dive into your digestive health through a stool test can provide valuable insight into the state of your gut microbiome, digestion, and overall health.The data gathered from running a simple stool test can help uncover the gastrointestinal issues that could be at the root of your symptoms.



Try It Out


What should I avoid prior to collecting the samples?

Please read all of the instructions carefully before beginning. Consult your doctor for specific instructions and before stopping any medications.

For two weeks prior to collecting the samples, please discontinue:

Antibiotics, antiparasitics, antifungals, or probiotic supplements, proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and Bismuth two weeks prior to taking the samples.

For two weeks prior to collecting the samples, please discontinue:

Aspirin and other NSAIDs, digestive enzymes, laxatives (particularly mineral oil and castor oil), activated charcoal, betaine HCl, antacids or bentonite clay.

How do I ship my samples?

Please follow the shipping instructions form contained within this test collection kit, which will tell you how to send back your test collection kit. Unless advised otherwise, please return your test collection kit to Regenerus Laboratories in the U.K. Please ship as soon as possible. If you cannot ship the specimen on the day of collection, store the White top vial in the freezer and the other vials in the refrigerator until ready to ship.

When should I ship my samples?

Make sure the sample is not shipped if the next day is a bank holiday and that it is only sent Monday-Thursday.

What is the difference between the 3 Month Programme and Lab Testing Consultations?

When you order a lab, you receive a 30 minute consultation to explain your results and provide you with advice and recommendations, based on your symptoms and lab results. With lab test consultations, we are not able to respond back to email follow up questions after your consultation as that is only available in the 3 Month Programme. However, if you have other health concerns, we'd be happy to schedule another consultation to discuss them in more detail. The 3 Month Programme however, was designed for individuals that need a full health intake and one-to-one ongoing support and accountability. It includes a series of three consultations with your Synergised practitioner, to help guide you through the implementation of your protocols. Under this programme, you have access to your health coach for follow-up questions, accountability and general support anytime. You will also meet with them once a month to go over your protocols, wellness plan, etc.

How are customers' data handled?

Synergised does not sell clients data. Once a sample is run, the lab will have it destroyed, and it is not used for any other purpose.

Does the 30 minute lab test consultation include nutrition advice?

Yes, all recommendations sent to you after your consultation will include nutrition advice.

How do Lab Tests work?

Very simple! Once you place your order, you will receive the lab test kit within approximately 48h. Simply follow the instructions provided and pop your sample back in the prepaid return label we sent you and arrange for a collection. It takes approximately 3-4 weeks to process your results and as soon as we have these, we'll send you an invite to chat with one of our expert integrative health practitioners. This invite will also contain a health intake form that we kindly ask you to fill in as thoroughly as possible. Once you book the appointment, you will receive a confirmation email with the Zoom details for your video consultation. On the day of your meeting, they'll walk you through your results and you’ll leave the call with actionable steps that are easy to follow and tailored to your specific results.

Do I need to fill a health intake form prior to my lab test consultation?

Yes. Once your results are ready, you will receive an email to book your consultation and fill in your health intake form.

How will I receive my results and consultation to review the results?

Once your sample is received, it takes approximately 3-4 weeks to receive your results. As soon as we receive your results, your integrative health practitioner will send you an email with instructions on where to find the results as well as our appointment schedule so you can book your appointment. Once this is booked, you will receive a confirmation email with the Zoom details for your video consultation. On the day of your consultation, the results will be explained to you and your practitioner will send you your personalised recommendations within 48h.

Do you offer the functional medicine lab tests service outside the UK?

Unfortunately, we don’t at the moment but we’re looking to launch international services soon!

When should I ship my sample?

Make sure the sample is not shipped if the next day is a bank holiday and that it is only sent Monday-Thursday.

What should I do if I lose my instructions?

You can find the instructions for each lab at the bottom of our lab test resource page. Please paste this address in to your

Can the functional medicine labs be done in Children?

As long as your child is over 3 years old yes!

I couldn’t find the answer to my question, what should I do?

Please email us at and our team will get back you ASAP.